African art > African mask, tribal art, primitive art > Gouro Mask

Gouro Mask (N° 25164)

A bird sculpture hangs over the female face of this African mask. Polychrome satin patina. Among the group of Mande from the south, in the center of Côte d'Ivoire, the Gouro have used since the 1950s a family of African masks associated with the dance Zaouli . Indeed, like the Goli masks of the Baoulé, all the Guro masks come in two zoomorphic masks followed by a third anthropomorphic, which is considered to be the wife of the zamblé mask, the Gu . The Gu, whose function is apotropaic, represents a young woman endowed with the criteria of beauty specific to the Guro. It is while singing in honor of the zamblé that the Gu moves gracefully, following the sound of the flute.  

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OriginEx-collection française
Countrycôte d'ivoire
Height cm41
Width20 cm
Weight0.90 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960
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