African art > African mask, tribal art, primitive art > Fang mask

Fang mask (N° 22064)

African art among the Fang.

Formerly called Pahouins, the Fang form a very large ethnic group settled, following migrations, in Central Africa, in the three republics of Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon. In the shape of a barrel, this mask offers, framed by thick ears, stylized human features and eyebrows in continuous perforations. At the top, the circular headdress allowed the insertion of large feathers. Linked to ancestor worship, the Byéri, this mask was responsible for discerning troublemakers, especially sorcerers. It comes out these days for entertainment parties. He now also appears at parties, funerals, baby showers, and on the occasion of an important decision within the village. It was also worn by Fang Okak and Ntoumou, Ntumu men from Equatorial Guinea during a dance associated with the Byeri cult. It sometimes presents up to six faces.

Matte patina, abraded wood, fine desication cracks.  

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Originrécolté in situ 1999
Countryrdc ex zaire
Height cm40
Width25 cm
Weight2.35 Kg
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