The African animal masks of the Dié group in African art Gouro. Bright colors for this zoomorphic mask glorifying a pachyderm. Decorative motifs painted in contrasting tones accentuate the details of this sculpted composition. Slightly abraded patina, small accidents. Organized into lineages, the Gouros are the western neighbors of the Baoulé. Their respective sculptures, by their morphology, bear witness to their close relationship. Priest and diviner share the predominant ritual functions among the Guro. Secret associations worship the geniuses of nature, through the masks in which the spirits are supposed to reside. Their protective spirits called zuzu were worshiped through statues placed on altars. The gu, gye and dye masks, in the hands of notables, are only exhibited during major funerals or the enthronement of a chief (Kerchache) .
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