Quite characteristic of the Mbagani, Babindji, the oversized kaolin-coated eye sockets stretch to the tiny ears. The triangular nose, the projected volumes of the mouth and the curved chin (break) also form distinctive elements of the Mbagani.. Height on base: 49 cm. The Mbagani come from the now extinct Mpasu group, itself a subgroup of the Lulua , or Béna Lulua , and to which the Salampasu also belong. Together with the Ding they form a group of 50,000 individuals established in the D.R.C. near the Angolan border. They have been marked by the influence of their neighbors Lunda and the former occupants Chokwe. Organized into small independent chiefdoms, they cultivate mainly maize, with women embroidering textiles woven by the men. The masks are said to be associated with healing rites. Dark glossy patina. (Tribal art of Black Africa, J.B.BACQUART)
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