African art > African mask, tribal art, primitive art > Ngbaka Mask

Ngbaka Mask (N° 25011)

This African Ngbaka mask features large eye sockets in which cowrie shells appear, and features a toothed mouth. Heterogeneous abraded patina, erosions, gaps. Desication crack. Height on base: 43 cm.
Tribe settled on the left bank of the Ubangui, the Ngbaka practice agriculture, and their artistic achievements were inspired by those of the neighboring tribes Ngbandi and Ngombe , with a distinctive feature however, the line of the forehead dotted with linear keloids. They are organized in tribes without political unity, under the tutelage of the chief wan and worship a god named Gale through the worship rendered to the spirits of nature. Young people are prepared for adult life through rituals called " gaza" and trained by ancient initiates, the bugaza. Their statues usually represent the primordial ancestors Setu and his sister Nabo and are placed on altars for propitiatory rites. The Ngbaka also produced musical instruments that punctuated the closing ceremonies of initiation and circumcision.  

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OriginEx-collection belge
Countryrdc ex zaire
Material(s)wood, metal, cauris
Height cm30
Width19 cm
Weight1.32 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960
Socle includedYes

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