Deep mask with linear patterns forked from the nose to the upper part of the forehead. Metal teeth adorn the mouth. Zande masks were used during funeral ceremonies of the Mani society. Irregular matte patina, erosions and small accidents. Formerly known as "Niam-Niam" because they were considered cannibals, the tribes grouped under the name of Zande, Azandé, settled, from Chad, on the border of the DRC (Zaire), Sudan and the Central African Republic. According to their beliefs, man would be endowed with two souls, one of which transforms upon his death into the totem animal of the clan to which he belongs. The African tribal art of the Zande, or "those who own a lot of land", apart from their court art consisting of spoons, receptacles, pipes and harps, includes two types of statues: Kudu statues and so-called Yanda statues of 10 to 20 cm.
290.00 € Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 145.0 €) This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity
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