African art > Stick of command, chieftaincy > Sceptre Zela

Sceptre Zela (N° 23157)

Dignitary staff decorated with a handle in the form of a cephalomorphic motif. Glossy patina, small accidents, cracks.
Formerly subject to the Luba, then to the Lundas, the Zela have adopted a large part of their customs and traditions. Established between the Luvua River and Lake Kisalé, they are now organized into four chiefdoms under the supervision of leaders of Luba origin. They venerate a primordial couple frequently represented in statuary, mythical ancestors, and dedicate offerings to the spirits of nature.
Ref. : "Luba" 5 Continents. Roberts; "Kifwebe" F. Neyt, ed. 5Continents.  

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OriginEx-collection belge
Countryrdc ex zaire
Height cm53
Width7 cm
Weight0.57 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960
Socle includedYes

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