African art > Coins in bronze, black iron and other materials > Kirdi Currency

Kirdi Currency (N° 29884)

The Kirdi, or "pagans", as they are called by the Islamized peoples, are established in the far north of Cameroon, on the border with Nigeria. They include the Matakam or Mafa , Kapsiki, Margui, Mofou, Massa, Toupouri, Fali , Namchi , Bata, Do ayo... They live from agriculture, fishing and livestock breeding. They live in small independent hamlets. Renowned for their terracotta statuettes reminiscent of Sao works, they are also known for small leather and metal objects, pearl-sewn loincloths and iron tools and weapons. In Africa, before the colonial period, payments were never made in coins. Transactions were made using cowries, pearls, cattle, kola nuts, but also metals, particularly iron. These primitive currencies constituted at the time part of the dowry for most Bantu tribes, were used during commercial and social exchanges, but could also appear as parade objects or as throwing weapons.  


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OriginCollection française
Height cm61
Width14 cm
Weight0.97 Kg
Estimated datingmid-xx°
Socle includedYes

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