African art > Tam-Tam, Djembe, musical instruments > Touarge Drum

Touarge Drum (N° 25649)

Small drum with handles whose skin-tight resonance box is made of terracotta. The lacing is made of leather and wicker strips. Old piece, marks of use. Scattered throughout the Saharan region of Libya, Mali, Algeria and Niger, the Tuareg (sing.: Targui), or "Veiled Men", come from Berber pastors fleeing the Arabs in Libya in the 7th century. The Targui blacksmith also carves wood, this being a rare material, the carved objects which are often repaired to prolong their use are part of the dowry.  

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OriginEx-collection J. Ghuys
Material(s)ecorce, peau, plant fibre, calebasse et terracotta
Height cm17
Width34 cm
Weight1.04 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960

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