African art > African Dolls > Nyamwezi doll

Nyamwezi doll (N° 21346)

A true object of curiosity testifying to Nyamwezi creativity, this doll is made up of interlocking calabashes and is distinguished by a variety of accessories, metal rings, beaded necklaces, cowries, and fabric mats embroidered with shells. The features are also enhanced with beaded inlays. A ring is used to balance the statue. The Luo, Kuria, Haya and Ziba, the Kerewe, Karagwe, Sukuma and Nyamezi are established in the west central and central region of Tanzania. The Nyamwezi , Nyamézi ,("people of the west" and sometimes "people of the moon") form the largest group among the tribes living in north central Tanzania. Coming from diverse origins, although sharing similar cultural specificities, their ritual and artistic production consequently presents very different formal aspects. The cult of ancestors and chiefs, of major importance within their culture, has left its mark on their statuary.  

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OriginEx-collection belge
Material(s)calebasses, metal, perles, cauris et textile
Height cm37
Width16 cm
Weight0.95 Kg
Estimated dating2ème halfxx°

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