The doors of the Dogon constructions are collector's items, and once this is the case, this piece is sober, devoid of motif or anthropomorphic representation. It consists of two large planks securely fastened with iron staples. The lock and the hinges are always present. The Dogon are a people renowned for their cosmogony, their esotericism, their myths and legends. Their population is estimated at about 300 000 souls living south-west of the Niger loop in the Mopti region of Mali (Bandiagara, Koro, Banka), near Douentza and part of northern Burkina Faso (northwest of Ouahigouya). ). Villages are often perched on top of the hillside scree, in a unique architecture. The history of migrations and installations of the Dogon (about ten main groups, about fifteen different languages), relates to several hypotheses. For some historians, the Dogon fled from an area west of their current location following an assault.
450.00 € Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 225.0 €) This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity
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