African art > The fetish, this emblematic object of primitive art > Kusu Fetish

Kusu Fetish (N° 27344)

French collection of African art. Classic African sculpture of the Kusu, this subject is devoid of the magical charge at the top.
Glossy patina of use, erosions and cracks, gaps.
The Kusu established on the left bank of the Lualaba have borrowed the artistic traditions of the Luba and Hemba and have a caste system similar to that of the Luba. The Hemba, for their part, established themselves in the south-east of Zaire, on the right bank of the Lualaba. Formerly under the domination of the Luba, these farmers and hunters practice ancestor worship by means of effigies long attributed to the Luba. The singiti statues were preserved by the fumu mwalo and honored during ceremonies during which sacrifices were offered to them. Alongside the authority of hereditary chiefs, secret societies, male such as the bukazanzi, and female, the bukibilo, played a major role within the clan. Individual protection figures such as our example, used by the Hemba and Kusu, were inspired by Songye fetishes.  

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OriginCollection française
Countryrdc ex zaire
Height cm16
Width6 cm
Weight0.25 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960
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