Old Lula fetish statuette offering some aspects of the traditional sculpture of its close neighbors: Nkanu, Holo, Zombo and Yanzi. These sculptures were intended to protect individuals or the clan, but could also aim to bring good luck, particularly when hunting, or to increase fertility. Erosions and cracks, satin patina of ochre tint. This ethnic group close to the Yaka is settled along the Nséki River in the southwest of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Lula live in small autonomous villages, hunting and fishing. We notice on their sculptures scarifications close to those of the Téké while the headdresses and the general morphology of the objects are close to the art of the Yaka.
280.00 € Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 140.0 €) This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity
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