Songye Nkisi Fetish - African art

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African art > The fetish, this emblematic object of primitive art > Songye Nkisi Fetish

Songye Nkisi Fetish (N° 8152) Deposit sale

Songye Nkisi Statue with a nice patina, traces of natural pigmentation. Part on which one finds constant graphics, linear scarifications, stops rectangular and nose in triangle. Originating in Shaba as a Democratic republic of Congo, Songye are related in Luba, with which they divide common ancestors.  

Possibility of payment in 3x (3x 260.0 €)

This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

Estimate shipping cost

OriginEx collection privé belge
Material(s)wood, corne
Height cm42
Width9 cm
Weight0.97 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1950

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