African art > The fetish, this emblematic object of primitive art > Songye statuette

Songye statuette (N° 28545)

Belgian collection of African art
African statuette Nkisi , nkishi (pl. mankishi ) of the Songye with a hallucinated look. The arms free up a space to slide metal hooks as was customary. Matte red ochre patina. Resin residue at the top.
The Nkisi plays the role of mediator between god and men, responsible for protecting against various evils. Large examples are the collective property of an entire village, and smaller figures belong to an individual or a family. In the 16th century, the Songye migrated from the Shaba region to settle on the left bank of the Lualaba. Their society is organized in a patriarchal manner. Their history is inseparable from that of the Luba to whom they are related through common ancestors. Very present in their society, divination allowed them to discover sorcerers and to shed light on the causes of the scourges that struck individuals. (ref.: Trésors d'Afrique, Tervuren Museum, ed. De Vries-Brouwers; "Art and life in Africa" ​​C.De Roy; "Le Sensible et la Force" ed. Royal Museum of Central Africa)  


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OriginCollection belge
Countryrdc ex zaire
Material(s)wood, cornes, metal
Height cm34
Width14 cm
Weight0.46 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960

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