In addition to their weapons and prestigious objects and their funerary sculpture, the Sundi made use, individually and collectively, of conjuration fetishes often equipped with a magic charge. The naturalist-type character carries a load made up of a mass of various elements. Baby bird down remains on its headdress. Nuanced brown patina, desiccation cracks.
The Vili , the Lâri, the Sûndi, the Woyo, the Bembe, the Bwende, the Yombé and the Kôngo formed the Kôngo group, led by King ntotela . Their kingdom reached its peak in the 16th century with the trade in ivory, copper and the slave trade. With the same beliefs and traditions, they produced a statuary endowed with a codified gesture in relation to their vision of the world.  

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 70.0 €)

This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

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OriginCollection suisse.
Countryrdc ex zaire
Material(s)wood, plant fibre
Height cm21
Depth10 cm
Width6 cm
Weight0.20 Kg
Estimated datingmid-xx°

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