African art > The fetish, this emblematic object of primitive art > Teke statuette

Teke statuette (N° 16926)

An idea of receiving the mystical charge called "Bonga", this angular statue of his ancestor Téke was wrapped in a textile that was to hold the load in its receptacle.
Patine smooth shiny, mattified areas.
Andeblis between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon, the Teké were organized into chiefdoms whose leader was often chosen from among the blacksmiths. The head of the family, mfumu , had the right to life or death over his family whose importance determined his prestige. The leader of the clan, ngantsié , kept the great protective fetish tar mantsié who oversaw all the ceremonies. It is the powerful sorcerer healer and soothsayer who was unloaded" of magical elements, for retribution, individual statuettes or nkumi . According to the Teke, wisdom was absorbed and stored in the abdomen. It is also according to the sorcerer's instructions that worship was given to the ancestors. Their secret society, kidumu , used circular flat masks adorned with polychrome geometric patterns.  

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Originex-collection Mercier
Countryrdc ex zaire
Material(s)wood, textile
Height cm55
Width10 cm
Weight2.60 Kg
Estimated dating1ère halfxx°

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