African art > African mask, tribal art, primitive art > Bangwa Mask

Bangwa Mask (N° 25268)

Large helmet mask carved with a large chubby face offering expressive features. He is wearing a kind of cap on which the shells represent the hair gathered in braids. The top is dug with a large hole. Located in the border region of Nigeria, the North West province of Cameroon, the Grassland is made up of several ethnic groups: Tikar, Anyang, Widekum, Chamba, Bamoun and Bamileke . Within the large Bamileke tribe, the Bangwa constitute a small kingdom made up of chiefdoms. The dignitaries of the Troh society are transmitted from father to son this type of mask, symbols of power. The nine notables of the Troh formed a court in charge of the executions. The Bamileke have variations of these masks.
Desication erosions and cracks.  


This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

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OriginEx-collection française
Height cm33
Width32 cm
Weight4.60 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960
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