African art > African mask, tribal art, primitive art > Baule Mask

Baule Mask (N° 27105)

This circular African mask, of which a spectacular version is presented to you, offers a rectangular mouth in which the dentition refers to the traditional filing of teeth among young people. Generally preceding the manifestation of a series of masks from the "Goli" family, this circular mask with horns associated with the antelope, is considered in certain cases as a male mask, kplekple yassoua or yaswa, as opposed to the feminine kplekple bla. He appears briefly during the day then in the evening to announce the arrival of his relatives in the guise of the goli glin or the kpwan. It was during events such as epidemics or funerals that its manifestation occurred among the Wan and the Baoulé, in order to win the favor of the "amwin" spirits dispensers of prosperity, health or even security. It appears today during festive events, the Goli gradually replacing all other masked dances, whether sacred or for entertainment.  


This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

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Origincollection belge
Countrycôte d'ivoire
Height cm72
Width30 cm
Weight2.50 Kg
Estimated datingcontemporain

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