Boyo Mask - African art

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African art > African mask, tribal art, primitive art > Boyo Mask

Boyo Mask (N° 27415)

African mask that a beard contours, enhancing the volume of a pointed face. The whitened orbits extend on either side of the nasal bridge, surmounting the oral rectangle. Grainy matte /> According to stories, the Boyos are of Luba ancestry, through an ancestor who emigrated with her brothers. Migratory flows have mixed Bembe, Lega, Buyu (Buye) or Boyo, Binji and Bangubangu within the same territories. The Basikasingo , considered by some as a Buyu sub-clan, are however not of Bembe origin, the work of Biebuyck having made it possible to trace their history. Organized into lineages, they borrowed the association of Bwami from the Lega. The Bembé and Boyo tribal traditions are relatively similar: they revere the spirits of nature, water specifically among the Boyo, but also the heroic ancestors, whose will we seek to know through divinatory rites. Hunting is also an opportunity to perform sacrifices of gratitude towards the entities from whom favor and protection have been requested.  


Estimate shipping cost

OriginEx-collection suisse
Countryrdc ex zaire
Height cm31
Width22 cm
Weight0.58 Kg
Socle inclusOptional

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