African art > African mask, tribal art, primitive art > Gelede mask

Gelede mask (N° 27871) Deposit sale

Collection of African art by the painter A. Plaza Garcès. Gelede crest mask depicting a face with faint features surmounted by a kneeling subject. The mask is painted with colored pigments. In Nigeria, also in Benin, this African mask worn on the top of the head is used for the joyful dances of the Gelede society, and on the occasion of the funerals of its followers. These masks occur in pairs, each given a specific name. Brilliant patina of use, erosions and breakage.
The Gelede country in Nigeria pays homage to mothers, especially the oldest among them, whose powers are said to be comparable to those of the Yoruba gods, or orisa, and the ancestors, osi< /i> and which can be used for the benefit but also for the misfortune of society. In the latter case these women are named aje. Masked ceremonies, through performances using masks, costumes and dances, are supposed to exhort mothers to use their extraordinary qualities for a peaceful and constructive purpose, for the good of society.  

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 145.0 €)

This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

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OriginCollection Amadea Plaza Garcés
Height cm36
Width24 cm
Weight0.60 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960
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