In the south-eastern region of Katanga, from the 1960s, the Zela, long subject to the Lubas whose customs and rites they borrowed, carved animal masks , like the Lubas and the Kundas. From 1970 in fact, the kifwebe company was subject to a transformation which was accompanied by new masks. In the Zela and Kundas groups, however, this type of mask was manifested during secular theatrical ceremonies involving tales. Bifwebe masks evoke the striped antelope which possesses supernatural abilities as well as the zebra. Grainy matte patina, highlights of faded colors. Formerly subject to the Luba, then to the Lundas, the Zela adopted a large part of their uses and traditions. Established between the Luvua River and Lake Kisalé, they are today organized into four chiefdoms under the supervision of leaders of Luba origin. They venerate a primordial couple frequently represented in statuary, mythical ancestors, and make offerings to the spirits of nature. In addition to their powerful Mbudye society, the Zela also have a women's initiatory association called kisungu. ( Luba, Roberts, 5 Continents; “Treasures of Africa” ed. from the Tervuren Museum; “Kifwebe” F. Neyt, ed .5Continents).
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