African art > African mask, tribal art, primitive art > Senoufo Mask

Senoufo Mask (N° 19821) Deposit sale

This African Mask Senoufo, whose original name is Kpeliye, meaning "masque that jumps", is none other than the representation of an ancestor from the secret society of the Poro. Its function is to honor elders or appear at funerals. Anthropomorphic masks would mainly drive the spirit of the deceased from his place of residence. Zoomorphic elements and human figures combine here in a work of very fine craftsmanship. Coming from the Korhogo region of Côte d'Ivoire, he can also be found representing two faces.  

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OriginCollection française
CountryCote d'Ivoire
Material(s)wood dur
Height cm47
Width20 cm
Weight1.20 Kg
Socle includedYes

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