African art > Maternity, statues, bronze, wood > Lumbu statue

Lumbu statue (N° 27770)

The statues of the Kongo clans of the northeast of Mayombe.
The small Kunyi group, surrounded by the Beembe, Yombe and Lumbu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is renowned in African art for its sculptures embodying founding ancestors, notables or clan leaders, many of them being represented kneeling. Some Lumbu statues are hollowed out in order to receive ancestral relics or symbolic ingredients. This figurative female figure wears diamond-shaped keloids. Abraded kaolin patina, desiccation cracks and erosions.  


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OriginEx-collection belge
Material(s)wood, fibres de raphia
Height cm60
Width18 cm
Weight2.50 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960

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