African art > Bronze rider, wooden rider, dogon, yoruba > Yoruba Rider

Yoruba Rider (N° 23005)

Within the Yoruba pantheon, Orunmila is the "orisa" deity that one consults in case of problem through divination ifà thanks to the diviner babalawo (iyanifà for a woman). Intended to sit enthroned on the ritual altar, this Yoruba-type sculpture is made up of a box intended for the sacred palm nuts, carried by a horseman figure. The character would embody Esu or Elegba, divine messenger who unites the orisa to men. Satin patina. Cracks and erosions on the base.
Centered on the veneration of its gods, or orisà, the Yoruba religion relies on artistic sculptures with coded messages (aroko). They are designed by the sculptors at the request of the followers, soothsayers and their customers. These spirits are said to intercede with the supreme god Olodumare. The kingdoms of Oyo and Ijebu arose following the disappearance of the Ifé civilization and are still the basis of the political structure of the Yoruba . The Oyo created two cults centered on the Egungun and Sango societies, still active, who venerate their gods, the Orisa, through ceremonies appeal to masks, statuettes, scepters and divination supports. (source: "Yoruba", B.Lawal, 5 continents)  


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OriginEx-collection française
Height cm63
Width29 cm
Weight5.70 Kg

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