African art > African statues : tribal fetish, maternity > Kusu Fetish

Kusu Fetish (N° 23349)

Statuette depicting a couple placed back to back. The female figure presents Luba characters, the male figure also evokes Hemba sculpted figures. Semi-matte dark patina, desication crack.
The Kusu established on the left bank of the Lualaba borrowed the artistic traditions of the Luba and the Hemba and possessed a caste system similar to that of the Luba. The Hemba, for their part, settled in the south-east of Zaire, on the right bank of the Lualaba. Formerly under Luba rule, these farmers and hunters practice ancestor worship through effigies long attributed to the Luba. The singiti statues were kept by the fumu mwalo and honored during ceremonies during which sacrifices were offered to them. Parallel to the authority of the hereditary chiefs, secret societies, masculine such as the bukazanzi, and feminine, the bukibilo, played a major role within the clan. Individual protection figures such as ours, used by the Hemba and the Kusu, were inspired by Songye fetishes.  


This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

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OriginEx-collection belge
Countryrdc ex zaire
Height cm28
Width9 cm
Weight0.55 Kg

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