Among the many sculpted objects relating to different ritual practices, this protective statuette features a character reduced to a tubular bust supported by thick crenellated legs. A succession of hatching separates the angular head. Funerary statues were also used, and sculptures of couple yangba and his sister, equivalent to the Seto and Nabo ancestors of the Ngbaka. Satin patina, kaolin residue. The Ngbaka form a homogeneous people in the north-west of the DRC, south of Ubangui. The Ngbandi live in the east (on the left bank of the Oubangui) and the Ngombe in the south. The initiation of young people, "gaza" or "ganza" (which gives strength) among the Ngbaka and the Ngbandi, has many similarities, through endurance tests, songs and dances. The rites required the presence of sculptures of ancestors. It was after a period of distance from the village that circumcision and excision were practiced. The closing ceremony was accompanied by musical instruments such as the linga drum and the large slit drums.
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