African art > African statues : tribal fetish, maternity > Senoufo calao

Senoufo calao (N° 22927)

Sculpture associated with the primordial bird that is one of the five animals of the Senufo cosmogony, the first stage of Senufo creation, the hornbill. Evoked for morphological and behavioral criteria, it decorates in an emblematic way, in its miniature version, many Senufo African art objects. Its long beak, "interpreted as the figuration of the male sexual organ" perpetuating the life of the community, comes back to rest on the animal's abdomen. Enhanced with touches of colored pigments, the brown patina is satiny. Desication cracks.
Linked to the Poro society which initiated young boys from the age of seven in a succession of three cycles lasting seven years, this sculpture of Setien was placed in the sacred enclosure , where , despite its weight, carried on the head during a procession. The great initiates consider his bulging belly as the spiritual gestation of newcomers within the Poro.



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Countrycôte d'ivoire
Height cm100
Depth36 cm
Width34 cm
Weight8.88 Kg

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