Bust sculpture whose face bears Yoruba scarifications. The head rests on a panel which extends into the subject's back, including the arms. The sculptor seems to have placed the breasts on either side of the trunk, behind the scepter and the staff of command. Matte polychrome patina, drying cracks. Centered on the veneration of its gods, or orisà, the Yoruba religion is based on artistic sculptures with coded messages (aroko). They are designed by sculptors at the request of followers, diviners and their clients. These spirits are believed to intercede with the supreme god Olodumare. The kingdoms of Oyo and Ijebu were born following the disappearance of the Ifé civilization and are still the basis of the political structure of the Yoruba. The Oyo created two cults centered on the Egungun and Sango societies, still active, who worship their gods, the Orisa, through ceremonies using masks, statuettes, scepters and divination supports. (source: “Yoruba”, B.Lawal, 5 continents)
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