Expressiveness of zoomorphic statues in African art. Incarnaated the spirit of a great ape, this massive figure with rounded shapes, the head pressed into arched shoulders, has a dorsal cavity with two orifices that could have facilitated its transport or exhibition during ceremonies Ritual. Red pigments accentuate certain facial details. Sunk under the cranial box, protruding eyeballs are coated with white clay. The irregular surface of the sculpture offers a heterogeneous matte patina with desication cracks. The Boulou , an ethnic group of Fang, live between Cameroon and Gabon, in the equatorial forest near the Bakwele whose customs and customs are comparable. Like the Fangs of South Cameroon with white masks of justice, the Boulou also used the Ngil ritual to counter witchcraft and poisoning. Future initiates, following their integration into the secret society, identify with the Ngi, a ferocious iconic gorilla.
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