The Metoko in African tribal art. This small statuette with collected volumes is camped on large digitized feet, the hips surrounded by a raffia bond evoking a loincloth. A nasal ridge joining the top of the forehead, eye lozenges, a small mouth drawn in the wood. Numerous scarifications, written in alternating parallel lines, reveal the character's status, which would play a worthy old man who has been a victim of witchcraft, kakungu. In the hollow of these furrows kaolin pigments have become embedded, giving a light beige patina to the object. Katungu cult statue belonging to the Metoko and Lengola, peoples of the primary forest dedicated to the worship of a single God, rare monotheism in Africa. Their company, Bukota, welcoming both men and women, is the equivalent of the ...
View details Statue Metoko
95.00 €
Ex-Swiss African art collection. In place of the magic charge U-002bibilongo" located on the abdomen, this naturalistic Kongo effigy has this time a protrusion adorned with a pattern forming a female sex. The distortion of the mouth evoking pain, it is probably a mediating figure, protective, therapeutic or associated with circumcision. The patina combining different shades of brown has acquired a satin feel. Desication grooves. The magic ingredients "bilongo" were frequently concealed in the receptacle on the abdomen of the face, which was otherwise sealed by a mirror. The sorcerers nganga, both healers, were in charge of religious activities and mediation with the God called Nzambi through consecrated figures. Aggressive witchcraft kindoki is the absolute evil that must be ...
View details Kongo Fetish
160.00 €
The Ewe consider the birth of twins Venavi (or Venovi) as a good and fortunate omen. The twins must be treated equally and equitably.For example, both will be fed and washed at the same time and will wear the same clothes, If one of the twins dies, the parents buy a statuette to replace the deceased child, they usually buy it from a sculptor on the market and go to a wizard to The Venavi statuette will be of the same sex as the child it represents and replaces but projects itself into the future that the child will not have known by wearing adult features. small pieces of clothing and pearls testify to family belonging, here the piece is carved in a light wood and has a nice worn patina.The Venavi are the Togolese counterpart of Ibedji yor uba, Nigeria, because their ...
View details Venavi Ewe Statuette
250.00 €