African art > Used objects, pulleys, boxes, loom, awale > Hemba rattle

Hemba rattle (N° 28254)

Ex-Belgian collection of African art
Ritual object intended for divination sessions. Small spherical calabashes are topped with an African statuette embodying the mediating spirit. Seeds and elements called bijimba with magical virtues were introduced into the dried fruits, producing a sound when handled. These bankishi sculptures (sing. nkishi ) were used in the context of the bugabo , a society dedicated to hunting, healing and war. Dark satin patina.
The Hemba have long been subject to the neighboring Luba empire which has had a certain influence on their culture, religion and art. Ancestor worship, which influences justice, medicine, law and sacrifices, is central to Hemba society. Genealogy is indeed the guarantor of privileges and land distribution. Mastering sculpture with talent, the Hemba have mainly produced statues of ancestors singiti, embodying chiefs, local warriors, or lineage ancestors that they venerate in order to appease the spirits mizimus . A wide variety of ritual objects, fetishes, simian masks, calabashes, and others of daily use have made their reputation.  

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OriginEx-collection italienne
Countryrdc ex zaire
Height cm30
Width4 cm
Weight0.29 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960
Socle includedYes

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