Tribal sculpture that can be used as an African decorative object, this rectangular tray decorated with different heads in the image of Pende masks. Satin brown patina, minor cracks. The Western Pende settled along the banks of the Kwilu, while their eastern counterparts established their communities along the banks of the Kasai, downstream from Tshikapa. The Mbuya masks, made with striking realism and produced every ten years, have a mainly festive function, representing a range of characters including chiefs, diviners and their wives, prostitutes, possessed people, etc. The initiation masks and power masks, called minganji, represent the ancestors and are used during various ceremonies such as agricultural festivals, mukanda initiation and circumcision rituals, as well as during the enthronement of chiefs. Source: Kerchache, "African Art"; "100 people of Zaire and their sculpture" by M.L. Félix.
290.00 € Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 145.0 €) This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity
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