Dogon horsemen - African art

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French collection of African art.
Bronze sculptures depicting mythical Dogon heroes. Green patina. The frequent representations of horsemen among the Dogon of Mali refer to their cosmogony and their complex religious myths. The Dogon blacksmiths form an endogamous caste among the Dogon called irim. Today, they produce weapons, tools, and also work wood. "Masters of fire" associated in the Dogon cosmogony with the primordial beings "Nommo" created by the god Ama, they are also supposed to heal burns. Small metal objects, made using the lost wax technique, were widespread in the region of the inner Niger Delta, copper arriving there thanks to trans-Saharan trade. Excavations on the Bandiagara Plateau have in fact uncovered remains of steelworks dating back to before the 15th century, the date of the arrival of the Dogon. Since the Islamization of the region, which forbade human representations, small ritual objects of this type have disappeared.  

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OriginCollection Amadeo Plaza Garcés
Height cm7
Depth5 cm
Weight0.09 Kg
Estimated dating1ère halfxx°

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