African art > Bronze, leopard, messenger, warrior, statue, pirogues > Kulango bronze

Kulango bronze (N° 29872)

African art from the Voltaic regions.
Amulet or weight representing a kneeling subject carrying a vase on his head. Dark patina encrusted with verdigris.
Named Pakhalla by the Dioula, the Koulango formed the Loron in the Voltaic territory. The Dagomba chiefs of the kingdom of Bouna would then have called them "Koulam" (singular: koulango, subject, vassal). Their complex history has engendered a no less complex culture. It is between Burkina Faso and Comoé, in the north-east of Côte d'Ivoire, that their territory extends. Of animist fetishistic religion, they address their ancestors and the spirits of nature through sculptures in which the souls of these spirits are supposed to reside.  


Estimate shipping cost

OriginRécolté in-situ 1994
Countrycôte d'ivoire
Material(s)alliages de bronze
Height cm12
Width2 cm
Weight0.23 Kg
Estimated dating1ère halfxx°
Socle includedYes

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