African art > African statues : tribal fetish, maternity > Baoule Statue

Baoule Statue (N° 24198)

Majestic posture for this seated female figure. Many careful details enhance this figurative sculpture.
Dark brown nuanced patina, minor cracks and abrasions.
About sixty ethnic groups populate Côte d'Ivoire, including the Baoulé, in the center, Akans from Ghana, people of the savannah, practicing hunting and agriculture just like the Gouro from whom they borrowed ritual cults and masks carved. Two types of statues are produced by the Baoulé, Baulé, in the ritual context: The Waka-Sona statues, "being of wood" in baoulé, evoke a seated oussou, being of the earth. They are one of a type of statues intended to be used as medium tools by Komian soothsayers, the latter being selected by asye usu spirits in order to communicate revelations from the afterlife. The second type of statues are the "husbands" of the beyond, masculine, the Blolo bian or feminine, the blolo bia, which are related to a quest for plenitude by seeking homage to its idealized sexual opposite.  


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OriginEx-collection française
Countrycôte d'ivoire
Material(s)wood, perles de verre
Height cm40
Width10 cm
Weight0.90 Kg

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