African art > African statues : tribal fetish, maternity > Baoule statue

Baoule statue (N° 21752)

Property of the diviner komienfoué , often involved in divinatory practices of Mbra , this female effigy evoking a seated oussou , a "genius of nature" , linked to fertility, is shown standing, her child on the back. A headdress arranged in multiple shells, checkerboard scarifications, pearl adornments, and the vigor of calves adapted to agricultural work, are part of the features of Baoulé statuary.
Desiccation cracks. Polychrome patina, locally abraded.
Two types of statues are produced by the baoulé in the ritual framework: The statues Waka-Sona , "being of wood" in baoulé, evoke a seated oussou , being of the Earth. They are part of a type of statues intended for use as a medium tool by the Komian diviners, the latter being selected by the asye usu spirits in order to communicate the revelations of the aut- of the. The second type of statues are the husbands of the afterlife, male, the Blolo bian or female, the blolo bia . About sixty ethnic groups inhabit Côte d'Ivoire, including the Baoulé, in the center, Akans from Ghana, people of the savannah, practicing hunting and agriculture, as well as the Gouro from whom they borrowed cults and masks.  

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OriginCollection française
Countrycôte d'ivoire
Material(s)wood, perles
Height cm52
Width14 cm
Weight1.70 Kg
Estimated datingmid-xx°

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