African art > African statues : tribal fetish, maternity > Kongo Fetish

Kongo Fetish (N° 19506)

Fetishes of power in African art.
This naturalist figure presents an oval face attributed to the Solongo of Angola, the latter providing the Kongo clans. The glassy look of the pin-headed pupils is wide open which "is the prerogative of an elder. Indeed, only the middle-aged can stare at us with such insistence in order to alert us to problems or oddities."
This statue of a warrior evokes the subjugation of enemies, physical or immaterial. Dark satin patina. Cracks of desiccation.
Source : "Le geste Kongo" Musée Dapper .  

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Originex-collection Colmant
Countryrdc ex zaire
Material(s)wood, metal, verre
Height cm60
Width18 cm
Weight5.10 Kg
Estimated datingmid-xx°

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