African art > African statues : tribal fetish, maternity > Lwalwa statuette

Lwalwa statuette (N° 18226) Deposit sale

Small ritual sculpture depicting a woman whose face evokes the mask Mfondo or Nkaki. Lwalwa statuary, rare, is linked to the fertility rites of the secret female society. Clear mahogany satin smooth patina. Cracks and abrasions.
This is near the Kasai River that the Lwalwa live, between Angola and Zaire. Historically with a matrilineal society, the Lwalwa, after having been influenced by Luba and Songy, adopted a patrilineal system within their rudimentary political and social organization. The nkaki, wood-carved mulela mask, is one of four types of masks produced by the privileged caste formed by their sculptors: These craftsmen, according to their merits, can become conductors and organize dances, including the balango, (also bangongo) during which acrobatics are performed by young dancers. These masks, appearing at night to preserve women, are displayed or worn during initiation ceremonies, or to soothe the spirits after an unsuccessful hunt.  

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OriginCollection belge
Countryrdc ex zaire
Height cm30
Width9 cm
Weight0.55 Kg

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