In the African art of the middle Benoué where peoples grouped together under the name of Mama (Kantana, Montol, and Goemai) live, the anthropo-zoomorphic statues associated with the Mangam cult that these groups share are characterized by a stylized head in relation to the buffalo. This animal is associated with fertility among the Mama. The morphology of this singular work recalls the statuary of Chamba, a neighboring ethnic group, and Mumuye. Like the masks, the statues are used within the ethnic group by the members of a male association responsible for maintaining social order and increasing or promoting agricultural production. Heterogeneous grainy patina, desiccation cracks, indigenous restorations (staples). (Ref.: Arts of Nigeria, A.Lebas, 5continents)
240.00 € Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 120.0 €) This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity
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