African art > African statues : tribal fetish, maternity > Statue Dogon

Statue Dogon (N° 12838) Deposit sale

Ex-French African art collection.
Posture of a rider rather atypical for this female figure: perched in kneeling position, she also presents a face revealing a deep meditation. The beard suggests an ancestor hermaphrodite figuration, swollen belly pregnancy. According to Geneviève Calame-Griaule, these statuettes, associated with fertility and motherhood, named dege were intermediaries between men and spirits or geniuses. A dark brown patina covers the entire room whose wood bears the imprint of age: cracks and cracks. These statues, sometimes embodying the nyama of the deceased, are placed on altars of ancestors and participate in various rituals including those of periods of seeds and harvests. Parallel to Islam, dogon religious rites are organized around four main cults: the Lebe, relating to fertility, under the spiritual authority of the Hogon, the Wagem, cult of ancestors under the authority of the patriarch, the Binou invoking the world of spirits and led by the priest of Binou, and the society of masks concerning the funeral . According to the dogon cosmogon, the first primordial ancestors of Dogon, called Nommo, were the bisexual gods of water. They were created in heaven by the creator god Amma and descended from heaven to earth in an ark.
The Nommo founded the eight dogon lineages and instilled weaving, the art of forging, and agriculture in their human descendants.

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OriginCollection privée française
Height cm39
Width28 cm
Weight2.20 Kg
Estimated datingmid-xxe

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