African art > African statues : tribal fetish, maternity > Tumbwe Statue

Tumbwe Statue (N° 24151) Deposit sale

The tribes of the south-eastern region of the DRC, around Lake Tanganyika, such as the Tumbwe and the Tabwa, worship the ancestors mipasi through sculptures held by chiefs or sorcerers. A magic charge ( dawa ) was often introduced at the top of the head of the statues, which is not the case here. Soothsayers-healers used this type of object to reveal witchcraft and protect against malevolent spirits. According to some, the Lubas sculpted for the Tumbwe.
This graceful sculpted figure depicting a very young woman wearing a long braid has a round head and protruding eyes. The narrow bust, leaning forward, is extended by short spread legs, established on a circular base. Grey-brown, matte and velvety patina. Source: "Treasures of Africa" ed. Tervuren Museum.  

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 90.0 €)

This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

Estimate shipping cost

OriginCollection belge
Countryrdc ex zaire
Height cm38
Width9 cm
Weight0.60 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960

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