African art > African Dolls > Ewe dolls

Ewe dolls (N° 28552) Deposit sale

French collection of African art A Togolese version of the Ibejdi of the Yorubas, these figurines of missing twins have a light beige patina of use. The golden heads probably had to benefit from ritual anointings. Missing.

The Ewe, often confused with the Minas, are the largest ethnic group in Togo. They are also found as minorities in Ghana, Benin, Ivory Coast and Nigeria. The Ewe consider the birth of twins called Venavi (or Venovi) as a happy omen. They must be treated identically and fairly. For example, both will be fed and washed at the same time and will wear the same clothes, until puberty.
If one of the twins dies, the parents obtain a statuette intended to replace the deceased child and contact a witch doctor to activate its magical virtues.

Source: “Isn’t she a doll?” E.L Cameron

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 120.0 €)

This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

Estimate shipping cost

OriginCollection française G.
Height cm16
Width7 cm
Weight0.13 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960

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