African art > African Dolls > Kirdi Doll

Kirdi Doll (N° 28180) Deposit sale

French collection of African art This African doll associated with fertility symbolizes the marriage vows and the child that will be born of this union. It is the fiancé who makes it and decorates it with multiple trinkets, beads, textiles, shells, leather and talismans, before offering it to the young woman. The Kirdi, or "pagans", as the Islamized peoples have named them, are established in the far north of Cameroon, on the border with Nigeria. They include the Matakam, Kapsiki, Margui, Mofou, Massa, Toupouri, Fali, Namchi, Bata, Do ayo... They live from agriculture, fishing and livestock breeding.
Among the Fali, ancestor worship is illustrated by the great importance given to the skulls of the deceased, because thought and knowledge resided there.  

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 120.0 €)

This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

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OriginCollection Amadeo Plaza Garcés
Material(s)wood, perels de verre, cauris
Height cm24
Width10 cm
Weight0.42 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1960

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