African art > African Dolls > Mossi doll

Mossi doll (N° 28055) Deposit sale

Ex-French collection of African tribal art Schematized fertility doll, whose head appearance varies depending on the region. The angular head evokes the female crest hairstyle, the parallel incisions, the scarifications and the braids of the ethnic group.
Beautiful lustrous patina.
Among many ethnic groups, the search for fertility is done through initiation rites. Wooden figures will be carved, some reflecting both genders, in many cases covered with beads and clothing. During the period of seclusion, the doll, which becomes a child who requires daily feeding, washing and anointing, becomes the girl's only companion. After the initiation, they will be carried on the women's backs, or attached to their necks. Wooden dolls (biiga), carved in their free time by blacksmiths in Burkina Faso, are given to girls and boys by their parents. The wealthiest Mossi, for their part, obtain plastic dolls. If the birth has not taken place, the doll will be offered as an educational toy to a child. (Elisabeth L.Cameron)  

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 75.0 €)

This item is sold with its certificate of authenticity

Estimate shipping cost

OriginCollection française
Material(s)wood, metal
Height cm29
Width6 cm
Weight0.37 Kg
Estimated datingcirca 1970
Socle includedYes

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