African art > African Dolls > Tabwa Doll

Tabwa Doll (N° 27801)

Ex-Belgian collection of African art traditional dolls in African tribal art of the Tabwa. Used by the female initiation society, this statuette has feminine attributes and a protruding navel, scarifications comparable to those of members of the tribe. Golden brown patina.
The Tabwa ("scarify" and "write") constitute an ethnic group present in the South-East of the DRC. Simple farmers without centralized power, they united around tribal chiefs after having been influenced by the Luba. It was mainly during this period that their artistic movement was expressed mainly through statues but also masks. The Tabwa practiced ancestor worship and dedicated some of their statues to them called mkisi. Animists, their beliefs are anchored around ngulu, spirits of nature present in plants and rocks.  

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OriginEx. collection belge
Countryrdc ex zaire
Height cm16
Width4 cm
Weight0.10 Kg

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