Ex English private collection of African art. These altar heads created using the lost wax technique are very loaded with details and patterns. The figures with realistic features have facial scarification and many finely detailed ornaments. This pair of busts presents a beautiful symmetry. The two figures wear a cross-braced garment with a collar bearing a bell. The horns themselves are covered with geometric patterns and sculpted faces. At the top of each horn sits a soldier, helmet on his head and weapon in his fist. The art of Benin is described as a court art because it is closely associated with the king, known as the oba. The tradition of Ifè bronze court objects dates back to the 14th century. The numerous bronze heads and ...
View details Pair of altar heads Benin Bronze
5990.00 €
Ex French private collection of African art. The Bamiléké, a sub-group of a larger tribe also made up of the Bamoun and Tikar, excelled in the creation of multicolored beaded statues, a sign of prosperity and wealth, giving the royal object the brilliance that distinguishes it from common objects. A basic structure is carved in wood and then covered with a lattice of beads whose colors correspond to the different chieftaincies. Among the Bamileke, as in other ethnic groups, art objects testified to the position of their owners in the hierarchy of society. Thus, the materials and shapes of the objects varied according to social status. King Bamileke, also known as the Fon, who was the guarantor of the fertility of the soil and the protection ...
View details statue Bamileke
6750.00 €
Ex private French collection of African art. This imposing and exceptional beaded statue reaches 1m35. The Bamiléké, a subgroup of a larger people also made up of the Bamoun and Tikar, excelled in making multicolored beaded statues, a sign of prosperity and wealth, giving the royal object the brilliance that distinguishes it from the common objects. A basic structure is carved from wood and then covered with a beaded lattice whose colors correspond to the different chiefdoms. Among the Bamilékés as in other ethnic groups, the art objects attested to the position of their owner in the hierarchy of society. Thus, the materials and shapes of objects varied according to social status. King Bamiléké, also known as fon, guarantor of soil fertility and the ...
View details Large bamileke beaded statue
9150.00 €