Within the Bamileke society, these African masks composed of thick embroidered panels were worn by high-ranking members. The face is topped with a wickerwork tiara trimmed with textile, adorned with stylized animal motifs. Exhibited on the occasion of the funerals of certain warriors, the wearer waved his ears and simulated the charge of the elephant. Bamileke society had several initiatory associations including the mwola and the komiyo, these are the societies from which the men authorized to wear these masks come. It is on the occasion of the elephant dance, tso, that members of the Kuosi, Kwosi society , wore impressive feathered headdresses. They were worn over a multi-colored costume consisting of a large beaded mask with large circular ears, mbap mteng, a cloth fabric, ndop, adorned with monkey fur and a leopard print belt. These dances were performed during festive ceremonies and funerals.
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