African art > Tam-Tam, Djembe, musical instruments > Sango Rattle

Sango Rattle (N° 27536) Deposit sale

Belgian collection of African art
This rattle, in the form of a woven basket extended by a handle, is decorated with the face of an ancestor of the bwete, similar to those found on the reliquary baskets of the Bakota. Plant elements, such as seeds, are inserted into the instrument to produce a soft sound during rhythmic dances.
The Bakota, living in the eastern part of Gabon and sometimes in the Republic of Congo, have a flourishing artistic tradition. Their blacksmiths, in addition to carving wood, made agricultural tools and ritual weapons. Sculptures play a crucial role in serving as a link between the living and the dead, particularly in bwete rituals, which are reminiscent of those of the Fang.
The Mitsogho, established along the Ngoumé River in a forest region, also practice the Bwiti society, with reliquaries similar to those of the Fang and Kota. The Massango, neighbors of the Mitsogho and settled in Mimongo, are also renowned for their blacksmithing crafts.  

Possibility of payment in 2x (2x 90.0 €)

Estimated shipping cost

OriginCollection belge Scruel
Material(s)wood, vannerie, metal
Height cm46
Width12 cm
Weight0.32 Kg
Estimated dating2ème halfxx°
Socle includedYes

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