African art > Doors, shutters, ladders dogon wood > Dogon Door

Dogon Door (N° 24540)

African Art Dogon.
Small attic shutter decorated with animal and human motifs carved in bas-relief. Natural matte and velvety patina.
Desication cracks, erosions.
The Nommo, the mythical ancestor, is said to have founded the eight lineages of Dogon and instilled weaving, the art of blacksmithing, and agriculture in their human descendants.
The figures may symbolize previous generations, mythical ancestors, but the owners of the attic are also frequently featured. The motifs present on the doors in Mali, apart from their decorative value, are intended to deter the intruder, whether human or animal, from entering. The locks, like the doors, are cut in wood chosen according to the function of the building in which they will be used. Because each plant is attributed specific virtues.

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OriginEx-collection française
Height cm54
Width39 cm
Weight2.30 Kg
Estimated datingmid-xx°

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